A shared vision of the Stanley Avenue Student
In 2022 students who started this year at Stanley Avenue School will be entering the workplace or beginning university.
We can only guess as to what life will be like for them then. We cannot know for sure what knowledge our students will need to best prepare them for the future. What we do know however is that they will need to become life-long learners, able to adapt to the future changes which will inevitably have an impact on their lives.
Today a form is attached to this newsletter asking for your view on what you believe your child should know, do, be and how they should relate to others when they leave Stanley Avenue. Students have discussed this in class and filling in this sheet at home will be part of their homework for next week.
Please take the time to sit down as a family and have a chat and fill in this sheet together.
This is the first step toward creating a truly shared vision for the Stanley Avenue Student.
A group of teachers, parents and students will then summarise this information which will be shared at our first community meeting early in term two. If you would like to be part of this group please contact Heather at the office.
If you would like to read some articles about the above topic, check out the websites below.
Live Together
What skills and qualities do child(ren) need, to be able to get on with others?
What do I want my child(ren) to be like when I leave Stanley Avenue School?
What do my child(ren) need to be able to do as a successful learner?
What do my child(ren) need to know by the time I leave Stanley Avenue School?
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