Friday, September 30, 2011

Dispositions matter
 Reading this article from the herald today reinforced what we have recognised at Stanley Avenue School for some time. Whilst mathematics, reading and writing skills are extremely important, there is also far more to it than that........ Research completed shows: That students who gained Level 2 didn't necessarily have better arithmetical, reading, writing or problem-solving skills at 14 than those who gained only Level 1. Instead, they had "higher levels of perseverance, communication, social skills, curiosity and self-management".

Our vision of the Stanley Avenue not only promotes these dispositions, skills, values and knowledge but encourages students to be aware of and set goals toward developing these attributes.  Our teaching then focuses on what we can do to set students up for success. 

It is excellent to see an article that reflects the whole learner. 

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Learning to Learn

Last Week our lead team met with Michael Pohl with a very important focus. What is important for our students to learn? Our vision of the Stanley Avenue Learner outlines the skills, dispositions, values and knowledge that we believe are essential for our students in their futures. We looked at the school wide themes that drive our curriculum and investigated potential topics and creative ways to ensure our learning tasks are rich, relevant and engaging. The video clip below is an excellent example of the dilemma facing schools.

David Perkins Interview from 21Foundation on Vimeo.