Wednesday, April 20, 2011

What are you doing in the holidays? Your children?

A blog comment by David Warlick interested me today.  With the holidays upon us I thought it was an excellent time to reflect on how our children use their time during the holidays.  How would you respond to these questions?
Remember when childhood happened almost exclusively outside?

Remember when a child’s most important resource was a saw, hammer, and bag straightened nails?

Remember when we daydreamed about building a raft, putting a propeller & wings on our bicycle, or exploring a wilderness with a musket and bowie knife?

Remember when there was more you could do with a pair of skates than just strap them on your feet and skate?

Remember when we use to pretend — out loud?

Remember when every tree was scrutinized for its treehouse suitability?

Remember when playing house was done with chairs and blankets (not with simulation software)?

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