Friday, February 20, 2009

Fun filled days + no sleep = LEADERSHIP CAMP!

Wow!  What an amazing three days.  Day one saw 65 year 7 and 8 students climb Mount Te Aroha.  This journey, completed in three groups took from 4 hours (school gate to mountain and back) to 7 hours.  Every student achieved their goal.  Persistance, support, encouragement and large amount of perspiration!  Day two each group completed eight rotations.  These rotations concentrated on conflict resolution, team building, decision making and co operation.  The night finished with no ball rugby a swim and the inaugural quiz night.  Day three everyone was inspired by our range of guest speakers Tony Hope, Matthew Cooper and Dave Mac Calman spoke about leadership.  Powerful messages emerged from the talks:
  • Everyone has the capacity to be a leader-  You have opportunities every day.
  • Start with a dream.  Then set SMART goals along the way.
  • Life is a challenge. It is your attitude that determines how you deal with it. 
This afternoon the head boy and girl from Te Aroha college are visiting to speak.  Both Teal and Sara are ex Stanley Avenue students.  They are going to talk about their journey from Stanley Avenue to Te Aroha college and the lessons they have learnt.


Anonymous said...

Hello Stuart -

Thought I'd comment on your blog page and show you that I do look at it - LOL!

Good to see you are being keep busy (and fit!). The photos are great, nice to see the familiar faces. I like that Teal and Sara came to speak to the kids - keep that TAC link going :)

Hey - Rhys and Thomas have set up a blog (no postings yet) on BlogSpot - you think that site will be OK, I see you are using a different one. What do I do now as far as getting Stanley Ave students to access it - maybe through the Moodle site? Technical advice please!!!

Keep up with the great work - I hear we are getting some laptops :))


Stuart Armistead said...

hey deb! Just back from the gala! Looks like close to $8000!!!! I will pop the blog link to the staff and kids via the newsletter.

Yes, we have purchased 34 netbooks, and are about to upgrade the network.

The leadership camp was fantastic.

Hope you are having a marvelous time.