Sunday, November 9, 2008

Future Thinking...

This morning I finally took the hint that my wife had been trying to get across to me the last few months....Sort through the School stuff in the spare room! Now, being a hoarder by nature the sort turned into a arghhhhhh I remember that book!

An article that I found buried was written by Ian Jukes and is called 'Facing the Future'. It is a very interesting and thought provoking read. He talks about the future for our chlidren. Here is a quick quote that sums up the theme of the article.

"None of the top jobs that will be available in 2020 exist today, and that these jobs are jobs that will require workers to use technology that hasn't been invented yet to solve problems that we haven't even thought out yet"

he goes on to say that "students attending university will find that half or more of what they learned will be obsolete, outdated, or just plain wrong on the day they graduate" He uses the example of Sony.

The production cycle for Sony products is currently 7 days from idea to first prototype. And you think that's fast- Sony regularly replaces their products on a 90 day cycle- 90 days on the market and the product is replaced with a new and improved model. Their motto is 'Today let's put ourselves out of business because if we don't, someone else will'!!

So what does this mean? Or more importantly what does this mean as we at Stanley Avenue look towards forming our curriculum and a picture of our 'leaver'?

-Co-operative, team players
-Problem seekers- solvers
-Goal setters- Students 'in charge of their learning'
-Thinkers (know what to do when they don't know what to do!)
-Creative, innovative thinkers
-Empathy, caring (make a positive difference)

The list goes on. What do you think? Share here on the blog, or come in your a chat. By the way if you are curious the room has still not been cleaned......

1 comment:

JaniceW said...

I think the New Zealand Curriculum is leading us down a very exciting path at the moment. Lets hope we are not tripped up by meeting standards in numeracy and literacy!