Sunday, October 12, 2008

The first post!

It is with great enthusiasm that I write my first post as principal of Stanley Avenue School.   I am looking forward to meeting the staff and students again tomorrow and formally meeting with the community on Wednesday morning and evening.  During these times I hope to share with you my background, educational philosophy and vision for Stanley Ave School.

During term four I intend to get into the classrooms as often as possible and meet with students, staff, parents, caregivers, the BOT and other members of the School's learning community.  This will enable me to have a clearer understanding of Stanley Ave's strengths and areas for development.

I look forward to meeting with you next week.  Please feel free to subscribe to this blog to follow my thoughts and learning.  I welcome any feedback.


wayne said...

Enjoyed your site.To make it easier to find I wonder if you could link it straight from the Stanley Ave school site to help out some of us who are not quite as computer literate as we would like to think we are.Also having to register on google may put put some people off leaving comments.Cheers Wayne

Stuart Armistead said...

Some good points. I will link to the Stanley Ave website. Unfortunately I can't do anything abouit the GOOGLE situation. Thanks for the feedback.
