Monday, November 24, 2014

Thames Valley Athletics Meet

Today Stanley Avenue School and the Te Aroha Athletics Club hosted the Thames Valley Athletics Day.  With students from eight clusters it was an action- packed day.  It has amazing to see the level of commitment and talent displayed by the athletes.  Well Done! 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Alphabet Aerobics

At last weeks assembly room three shared their Alphabet aerobics, inspired by a performance by Daniel Radcliffe.  An awesome array of alphabet acting!!!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Coding with kids!

Since being inspired by the engagement of Mr Spicers Lego Mindstorm robotics group I have been wondering what a comprehensive coding programme would look like across the school.  A recent article in stuff also provided a challenge for schools.

A number of our students are increasingly  turning to more creative ways of demonstrating their learning.  The use of Scratch, Minecraft and Tinkercad is now part of our classroom programme.  

I have been experimenting with an app suggested by Te Aroha College teacher Troy Smith called LightBot.  It has been amazing seeing a group of year three students quickly come to grips with complex ideas.  

I would love to hear from schools that are experimenting with coding with their learners!  

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

School Athletics

The weather behaved itself and we were treated to an awesome day to enjoy our senior athletics sports.  Many students got into the spirit of the event dressing in house colours and supporting their peers.  We were treated to some awesome performances and effort with the house relays finishing off a successful event.  Thank you to the Te Aroha Athletics club and our parents that made the day a success!

Saturday, November 1, 2014

20 Years at Stanley Avenue!!

This morning we acknowledged two very special staff members at Stanley Ave.  Nova Spencer and Christine Finucane have now been at Stanley Ave for twenty years!

We organised a surprise breakfast, inviting family members, ex staff and current staff.  We are so lucky to have two committed, hard working, talented ladies that know Stanley Ave so well.

Well Done and Thanks!!