Sunday, August 31, 2014

Maker Space starts to take shape!

Last week Mr Spicer, Mrs Hayes and I took a group of students to Diamond Age in Auckland to build a 3D printer for the school.  Visiting a truly innovative New Zealand business was an awesome experience and the students enjoyed learning about the ideas behind the construction.  With only fine tuning required to complete the printer we then took off to visit Taupaki School where their Maker Space had been operating for some time.  We were able to speak to the students, teachers and even see a robotics session in action.

At Stanley Avenue our Maker Space is now ready for action.  The 3D printer will join our radio and TV stations with our robotics programme and really give students a chance to create and innovate!

Monday, August 25, 2014

HP Rural Challenge

Earlier this term our school leaders entered a couple of videos into the HP Rural Schools Competition. Today, whilst not winning one of the top five prizes, we were excited to receive a HP action camcorder.  This technology is definitely going to be utilised!!  Thanks HP, and well done team!!

Friday, August 22, 2014

Winter Olympics

Last night I was fortunate to be able to drive over  to Totara Springs in Matamata and watch our Winter Olympics Team.  This week is a culmination of practice over many weeks, with students learning new sports ranging from chess to rugby. It was amazing to visit and see such a supported and respective group of students giving every event their best.  Well done!!!

Monday, August 11, 2014

Jump Jam Action

During last term Miss Oud and Miss Masters have been working with a group of keen 'Jump Jammers'. The goal was to enter a video to the Jump Jam competition with an aim of being selected for the national finals.  Check out the fantastic video which showcases their talent, enthusiasm and hard work!

Sunday, August 3, 2014

School Band

It was awesome to see the school band perform at Gateway last Friday.  For many of the band, this was the first time they had performed in front of anyone other than classmates.  It is wonderful to see the hard work they have put into practicing both individually and as a group.  Well Done Team!  Also a special thanks has to go to Mr Spicer who works so hard preparing these groups year after year!!