As I prepare to travel to my first NZPF principal conference I am seriously considering what schools need to do to remain relevant and useful for our students.
Recently at Stanley Avenue School we have been documenting the opportunities that we provide for our boys and girls and asking ourselves 'What else can we do for our learners?'.
I am left reflecting on a visit to an innovative High School, where the DP simply believed school was about creating memories. Currently the debate on national standards and league tables has wrongly taken the focus from school curriculums that should have been created to engage, motivate and involve their students and community. Whilst numeracy and literacy are important I am worried that some schools provide 'death by numeracy and literacy' for their students........ This is an issue that impacts especially on boys.
I look at the last few weeks at school. Our rock band performing at the Rock Shop regionals, our Winter Olympics team working together to achieve, the gymnastics team practicing hard to do their best........ We must remember that schools have the responsibility to go beyond the call of literacy and numeracy duty and provide a place where students can find their passions and talents.......Isn't that what you want for your child?